Clare Thomson and I facilitated a workshop at the OER24 conference in Cork in March based on our Higher Education for Good book chapter, Humanising Learning Design with Digital Pragmatism. We posed the following structure:

In this participatory session, we will invite participants to examine each of the six emergent strategy elements, addressing and identifying practical solutions for each. We propose to develop a collection of crowd-sourced educator activities for a collaborative OER, modelling the intersections of open education, creative pedagogies, and learning design.

(Molloy and THomSOn, 2024)

We chose a world café style and used markers and tablecloths to capture thoughts and themes throughout the sessions based on the issues facing the digital university, framed through the elements of emergent strategy. You can explore the workshop structure using our slides.

We collected the tablecloths and did our best to flatten and edit them to create a short zine based on the outcomes of the session. The workshop had a wide variety of international participants from Finland, United States, Canada, United Kingdom, and Netherlands. Even with minor differences in organisational context, many of the issues and themes addressed were similar.

The OER is now curated as a zine: Humanising Learning Design with Digital Pragmatism OER24 Workshop Resource – PDF Version – National Teaching Repository

OER24 Workshop Resource: Humanising Learning Design with Digital Pragmatism

One thought on “OER24 Workshop Resource: Humanising Learning Design with Digital Pragmatism

  • May 27, 2024 at 10:31 am

    I love this combination of workshop artefact and zine. I like that the messiness, creativity and complexity is left in, celebrated and currated.


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